A place for everything, and everything in its place.
To make the website easier to navigate so that you find what you’re looking for more quickly, we’ve made some adjustments to the framework of the website. This is in addition to the new look and feel that incorporates ACBL’s new branding style.
Navigation Links
We’ve taken the most frequently used parts of the website and made them easier to find. They will be at the top right of every page or section of the site you visit. They include the Menu button, the Search bar and the MyACBL link.
If you want to reach the home page at any time, simply click the ACBL seal, which is at the top left of each page.
Note: the full menu and search are not available in the MyACBL portal at this time.
Internal Page Navigation
Below are four buttons that serve as the navigation inside a page. These will be found on each page of the site and will correspond to the sections available. By clicking them you will be taken to the section that pertains to the button category.
The orange Menu button at the top right of each page acts like a sitemap, directing you to each corner of the website. In order to get you where you want to be as quickly as possible, we have created several main website categories and sub-categories with their own pages. These can be accessed from the Menu button.
The Menu has four “top-level” categories – Popular Links, Helpful Information, Membership and More. Below are some descriptions of what you’ll find, but you may also want to take a few minutes to explore.
- Popular Links: A grouping of the most-visited pages from the previous website.
- MyACBL:Your player portal with information specific to you. Check your masterpoints, update communication preferences and much more.
- Play Bridge: Shortcuts to our most popular minigames, like Just Play Bridge, along with online masterpoint games, the tournament calendar and the club directory.
- Learn Bridge: A new and improved page to introduce brand-new players to the basics of the game and provide access to tools for practice.
- Results: Quick links to game results, including ACBL Live, Live for Clubs and Masterpoints Races.
- Upcoming Events: Your one-stop shop for every type of event ACBL has, from NABCs to Learn to Play Bridge Seminars. An easily sortable list for it all.
- Helpful Information: These pages are the main information areas of the site.
- About ACBL: This section features the ACBL’s history and administrative information, including the Board of Directors, Advisory Council (formerly Board of Governors), committees, policies and governing documents.
- Club Corner: A collection of resources for club managers and directors. Everything needed to run a club or club game can be found here.
- Teachers’ Lounge: For current teachers and those interested in teaching. This section has information on our school programs, teacher certifications and teacher resources.
- Tournaments: Information specific to tournaments including convention charts, rules and regulations, Conditions of Contest, Ribbon eligibility, Laws, field operations and tools for running a tournament.
- Ethics & Discipline: This section is where you can find out about ACBL disciplinary procedures, including disciplinary lists and hearing reports, the Office of the Recorder, the Code of Disciplinary Regulations and player memos..
- Membership: A more direct and simplified way to see benefits and rates for all membership types presented in a clear manner. There are also easy access links for joining the ACBL and renewing your membership.
- Join ACBL: The breakdown of membership types and benefits with links to join
- Juniors: A grouping of information and events just for members age 25 and younger.
- Awards and Recognition: Here you’ll find information o the Hall of Fame, Honorary Members, Player of the Year and other accolades bestowed upon members and employees.
- More: The remaining category features information on masterpoints, support for members, marketing and BridgeFeed.
- Masterpoints: All you’ve ever wanted to know about the masterpoint! This section includes links to all levels of masterpoint races, requirements for rank achievements, masterpoint pigments and a handy FAQ.
- Support:A collection of contact information for all departments, IT support tools and libraries of useful videos and documents.
- Marketing: Quick links to ACBL logos, branding guides, templates and brochures to help grow your club, tournament or classes
- BridgeFeed: ACBL’s blog with articles for all levels and players. It is also your go-to for ACBL breaking news and notices.
ACBL’s search function has changed. The new search is designed to start providing results the minute you start typing. You will no longer get thousands of results, just results that have the term you are looking for. The results are intended to take you to the page that has the information you seek*.
Use the search help button below to learn how to improve your search results

*In the beginning you may see more BridgeFeed results than main page results, this will inprove over time as the pages are used more.
Because we have created scrolling pages for this site, we have given you a quick way to get back to the top of any page. Once you have passed the fold (your web browser window’s bottom border) you will see the “Back to Top” button in the lower right of your screen.
Just click it and you will be transported “Back to Top” of the page.
We’ve cleaned up the MyACBL menus and given it a fresh look to make it easier than ever for you to find what you are looking for. Your account settings are accessible at all times at the top right of the screen once you log in (next to the user icon).
Although the Online Partnership Desk has gone away, we’ll soon be adding an exciting new feature to MyACBL – pre-registration for all sanctioned tournaments! RSVP and let tournament sponsors know you’ll be coming and when.