With teacher resources and certification opportunities, the Teachers’ Lounge is your one-stop shop for bridge education support.
- Education Programs
- ACBL Teaching Materials
- Teacher Certification
- Resources
- Boost
- Advertising
- Incentives
Note: If you don’t yet have a recognized teaching certification, please complete the Teaching Experience Verification form so we can activate your Teacher Profile once submitted.
- Teacher Experience Verification Form
- Creating a Teacher Profile Video
- Creating a Teacher Profile Handout
NEW COURSE MATERIALS! The ACBL Intro to Bridge Series
ACBL Intro to Bridge Series 1 and 2. If you opt to use this curriculum you can request the student materials below. If it is your first time using it, please also click here to request access to the teaching materials.
The ACBL School Bridge Program
The ACBL School Bridge Program is designed to help you bring the joy of bridge to youth. More than 4000 youngsters participate each year in schools throughout North America. The program is sponsored by the ACBL and includes teacher stipends and free textbooks.

ACBL Lifelong Learning Program
The ACBL’s Lifelong Learning Program is designed to introduce the game of bridge to adults age 50 or older through continuing education programs offered through colleges or universities. Sponsored by the ACBL, this program includes teacher stipends, textbooks and other materials for your classes.

Collegiate Initiative
Want to coach a college team? We’ll fund you!

Work with a team of faculty, students and administrators interested in hosting a college bridge club or team. The coach may also be a local volunteer.
Questions or suggestions? Contact us at college@acbl.org.
Coaching Program
ACBL can provide a bridge kit with cards, bidding boxes, boards, instructor materials, etc., as the program starts.
Receive a stipend of $350 at the end of each semester (annual total = $700), after a brief progress report is approved.
Aim at recruiting 10 students in the first three months. All participants should be ACBL members (we’ll refund the membership fee for new members age 25 and under).
Identify student leaders to assist with club formation, recruitment and scheduling.
ACBL district and unit members, alumni, teachers and all other bridge enthusiasts can help by recruiting a coach or faculty advisor, or supporting the college team/club with:
- Mentoring
- Bridge workshops
- Hosting games (bring pizza!)
- Fundraising

NEW The ACBL Intro to Bridge Series
Using a discovery-based learning approach in line with best practices for in-person classes, the ACBL Intro to Bridge Series consists of two 10-class series designed to equip students with a simple, starting framework for bidding and play.
Series 1
Bridge Basics – Play and Bidding
Classes are 2 hours with 35-40 minutes of teacher-led instruction and 80-85 minutes of student-centered activities including 30 minutes of play.

Series 1 Class List
This course starts at the very beginning with there are 52 cards in a deck, introduces trick taking and trump. It begins with learning the goal of the game and how to play including simple play strategies and the basics of bidding based on American Standard 5-Card.
Class 1: Understanding the Basics
Class 2: Improving Play
Class 3: Counting Winners / Planning Line of Play
Class 4: Taking Tricks with Trump
Class 5: Opening the Bidding
Class 6: Evaluating a Hand / Responding to 1-Level Minor Openings
Class 7: Responding to 1-Level Major Openings / Responding to NT
Class 8: Rebidding by Opener
Class 9: Rebidding by Responder
Class 10: Overcalling & Advancing
Series 2
Opening Leads, Beginning Conventions & Play
Classes are 2 hours with 35-40 minutes of teacher-led instruction and 80-85 minutes of student-centered activities culminating in a Pupil Game.

Series 2 Class List
The second course starts with opening leads and covers some of the most common conventions all players should know including Stayman, Jacoby Transfers, Preempts, Doubles, and the Strong 2♣ Opening. The course wraps up with helping students build their convention card with everything they have learned, scoring, understanding what to expect at the table culminating in a duplicate teaching game.
Class 11: Understanding & Making Opening Leads
Class 12: Responding to NT / Stayman
Class 13: Responding to NT / Jacoby Transfers
Class 14: Bidding & Responding to Weak Twos
Class 15: Bidding & Responding to Negative Doubles
Class 16: Bidding & Responding to Takeout Doubles
Class 17: Bidding & Responding to Preempts / Vulnerability & Penalty Doubles
Class 18: Bidding Strong 2♣/2♦ Waiting & Positive Responses
Class 19: Putting it All Together
Class 20: Playing Duplicate
Each class has downloadable, digital files including a Teacher Outline, Student Manual, and Slides. Most of the classes also include topical hands which are included in the appendix of each Teacher Outline and provided as PBN files and table mats. In addition, there are shareable links to class videos for teacher prep, classroom use, and/or student review and makeup.
ACBL Best Practices Teachers and ABTA Master Teachers have earned the right to use the program automatically with their certification. Teachers who hold one of our other recognized accreditations (ACBL TAP, ACBL Online Teacher, Better Bridge, EasyBridge, LBIAD) may also request access.
Request AccessIf you are a School Bridge, Lifelong Learning or Collegiate Initiative teacher please request access and/or order your materials here.
Experienced bridge teachers who do not yet have one of these accreditations may also request access by completing these steps:
- Complete the Teacher Experience Survey and Get Verified.
- Create a Teacher Profile in our Directory (learn how here).
- Click here to request access.
The ACBL Bridge Series
Using a “hands-on” approach, the ACBL Bridge Series consists of a progression of five courses, each focusing on a different aspect of the game and bringing the students from absolute beginners through to the point where they can confidently play in any bridge game.
For each series, there is a student text that covers all of the concepts discussed in the lesson and provides additional examples. It also covers all of the activities (exercises and sample hands) discussed during the class so that the students can review them later.
For the teacher, there is a Teacher’s Manual for each series showing in detail how to present all of the material and what points should be emphasised during each activity. There is also a set of E-Z Deal cards for each series, which make it easy for the teacher, or the students, to deal out each of the lesson hands.
Click the course links below to download corresponding PDF textbooks for free. You can also purchase any of these materials at Baron Barclay Bridge Supply.
The Play Courses
Since the basic approach to the learning process is to provide students with an opportunity to play and practice whenever possible, a series of supervised play sessions were created. The Play Courses will also provide a break between lesson series. Teachers may consider scheduling three or four lesson series per year, starting at the classic times: in the fall, after the kids go back to school; in January, after the holiday season; in the spring, just in time for summer; during the summer holidays. In the interim, supervised play sessions keep the level of interest up.

The Play Courses
Supervised play sessions have been designed to run following each of the lesson series:-
- The Bidding Play course
- The Play of the Hand Play course
- The Defense Play course
- Play Course for the Advancing Student I
- Modern NoTrump Bidding (Teacher Manual)
- Major Suit Raises – I (Teacher Manual)
- Major Suit Raises – II ( Teacher Manual)
Each “Play” course has been fashioned as a four-week series with eight hands per session. There is nothing to prevent the teacher from running a longer or shorter series or even a continuous series in parallel with the lesson’s series. Each “Play” course comes with a deck of E-Z Deal cards and a booklet that analyses the hands and provides an opportunity for the students to score their results duplicate-style.
Play Course booklets and EZ Deal cards can be purchased through Baron Barclay.
- A listing on the ACBL’s online Find a Teacher directory. Registration Instructions.
- An invitation to the ACBL’s Teacher/Club Manager Thank You Reception at each NABC
- Recruitment Incentives
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Convention Cards

Articles, Lessons & Posters

Boost is a joint initiative of ACBL and the ACBL Educational Foundation designed to support a return to face-to-face bridge by running social media ad campaigns for eligible teachers to generate leads and ‘boost’ their enrollment. There is no cost to participate but Boost participants must commit to contact all leads provided, complete tracking reports on outcomes, sign up students as ACBL Guest Members and coordinate with a local in-person club to offer level-appropriate play opportunities. Note: Teachers cannot take advantage of both Boost and CAP for the same course.
Boost Program Details
This program generates prospective student leads for already scheduled courses. Boost will not fill a class. It is designed to augment your current marketing approaches and “boost” your enrollment. The leads are generated through Facebook and Instagram ads based on location. There are two types of campaigns: Individual Teacher and Multi-Teacher/Location. Teachers are required to follow up with all leads and report the outcomes, as well as sign up students as ACBL Guest Members; and coordinate with their local, in-person club to offer newcomer play opportunities to connect students to their local bridge community.
Boost will not fill a class. It is designed to augment your current marketing approaches and “boost” your enrollment.
Considerations for Participation
- Location – market viability, no more than 1 campaign per market in the same time frame, and fair representation of all districts.
- Club Connection – partnered with a local club to offer MP-earning opportunities at the right level for beginning students.
- Outcome Reporting – timely completion of tracking and outcome reports (previous Boost participants).
- Individual Campaign – proven track record of recruiting members and guest members.
- Mutli-Teacher Campaign – number of teachers participating and their teaching experience.
Criteria for Eligible Courses
- Level is newcomer or beginner
- 6+ classes with 9+ hours instruction; 2 courses can be linked to meet requirement (e.g., LBIAD + follow-on course) – cannot be supervised play
- Course is not FREE (students must pay for the course)
- Course is already on the calendar with a confirmed location, dates, and times; and being marketed outside of Boost.
Ad campaigns run for about 3 weeks, typically ending about 1 week before the course start date. So in order to process and setup campaigns, applications must be submitted a minimum of 6 weeks before the course start date to be considered.
Boost Teacher ApplicationCAP/Facebook Ads
You do the advertising. We’ll help pay!
The Cooperative Advertising Program (CAP) partially reimburses bridge teachers, club, units and districts for advertising expenses so long as they promote programs and lessons designed for bridge newcomers and/or to recruit ACBL members. CAP will refund 50% of eligible advertising costs with a maximum amount of $500. Qualifying advertisements must be date-specific and use approved ACBL logos. Note: Teachers cannot take advantage of both Boost and CAP for the same course.- Complete CAP reimbursement form located here.
- Tear sheets from newspaper or magazine, printed flier or brochure
- Dated PAID invoice or receipt
- Written request for CAP reimbursement that includes the Club #, Club name, district #, unit # and contact information
- The advertisement must be for date-specific newcomer programs, beginner bridge lessons, social bridge recruitment events or ACBL membership recruitment.
- All advertisements must contain the full CAP approved logo. No exceptions.
- Reimbursements are made on a per Date-Specific Ad Campaign basis. A “Date-Specific Ad Campaign” for purposes of this program is defined as follows:A planned program that uses an advertising message (or a combination of multiple advertisements, commercials, and related promotional materials and activities) that may or may not be communicated across multiple media channels (newspaper, radio, TV, etc.) and are designed to be used during the same period of time as part of a coordinated advertising plan to meet a specified objective.
- The cost of a Date-Specific Ad Campaign is defined as being the total advertisement placement costs for all mediums used (radio, newspaper, fliers, etc.) for a specifically dated set of beginning bridge lessons, or specifically dated newcomer program, social bridge recruitment event or a specifically dated ACBL membership recruitment drive. The maximum dollar amount you would be reimbursed is $500. Reimbursements will be in US Dollars.An example of ONE (1) Date-Specific Ad Campaign would be: Planned Program: Beginning Bridge Lessons Period of time: May 1, 2021 Media Channels: Newspaper ads, Radio Spot, FliersExample of how the cost for the above Date-Specific Ad Campaign might be reimbursed: Cost of Newspaper ads: $500 Radio Spot: $500 Fliers: $200 Total Cost: $1,200 The above example would be considered one (1)Date-Specific Ad Campaign using multiple mediums. And the reimbursement would be calculated as follows:50% of $1,200 = $600 MAXIMUM REIMBURSEMENT AMOUNT = $500 Since 50% of the above Date-Specific Ad Campaign cost exceeds the $500 maximum reimbursement allowed, the reimbursement for the above Date-Specific Ad Campaign would be the maximum allowed of $500.
- Copies of actual ads, dated receipts and/or detailed paid invoices must be submitted WITHIN 60 days of the date the ad ran. Copies of cancelled checks or credit card statements are not acceptable. Members and clubs must be in good standing in the ACBL to receive reimbursement.
- The ACBL staff reserves the right to judge eligibility for reimbursement and may, at their sole discretion, deny reimbursement for any and all submissions that they deem to be ineligible.
- Newspapers
- Magazines
- Direct mail pieces (Excluding Postage)
- Catalogs
- Posters/fliers for public distribution
- Billboards
- Television
- Radio
- Online commercial websites
- Targeted Facebook ads
- Ads placed in the Bridge Bulletin
- Calendars
- Tournament schedules, fliers or emails
- Email campaigns such as Pianola or Constant Contact
- Teacher, club, unit or district newsletters or emails
- Postage
- Club, unit or district directories
- Supplies (i.e., labels, envelopes, printer ink cartridges, etc.)
- Building signage
- Promotional or specialty items (i.e., pens, pencils, coffee mugs, T-shirts, etc.)
- Business cards and letterhead
- Submit proposed ad, flier, etc to be pre-approved via email to marketing@acbl.org with “Attention: CAP Approval”.
- You will receive notification that your request has been approved or disapproved via email.
- Allow five (5) business days for approval/disapproval notification.
How to Submit Reimbursement Documentation:
- Complete CAP reimbursement form located here.
- Send a copy of the dated paid invoice(s) and/or receipt(s) along with the following to the ACBL Marketing Department:
- The advertisement tear sheet(s) for newspaper ads. Do not cut out the ad or make a copy of the ad. We require the entire actual page(s) from the newspaper, magazine or other media containing the ad. PDF versions of tear sheets may be submitted via email.
- The actual brochure or flier that was printed.
- A copy of the script for radio (from the station) and a DVD if for television.
- A copy of the link or insertion order for online commercial websites.
- Your Name, ACBL member, club, unit or district NUMBER and daytime phone number or email address where you may be contacted and to whom the reimbursement check should be made payable. Remember, the check that is made payable to a club, unit or district will only be mailed to the person who is profiled in the ACBL data base under that club, unit or district -no exceptions.

I ♥ Bridge (Square)

I ♥ Bridge (Small)

Join the ♣ (Square)

Join the ♣ (Small)

Join the ♣ (8.5×11)

Game Face (Small)

Come Play (Small)

Come Play (Square)

Come Play (8.5×11)

Learn New Tricks (Square)

Learn New Tricks (Small)

Learn New Tricks (8.5×11)

Get in the Mix

Get in the Mix (Large)

Facebook Ads Webinar
Please use the primary logo if the logo can be at least 1½ inches wide and the logo seal for anything smaller than 1½ inches.
Recruitment FAQ
Because the maximum payout per each new member is US$30, three-year memberships have a different payment schedule. If the member initially joins with a three-year membership, US$30 is given, and there is no tail. If a member first joins with a one-year membership and then renews with a three-year membership, the recruiter receives US$10 for the first year and the remaining US$20 at renewal.
US$100 gift certificate to Baron Barclay Bridge Supply for every 25 new members recruited in a calendar year. This incentive will be available to all recruiters until they earn the next gift certificate or December 31, 2019, whichever is sooner.
US$500 bonus check for every 100 new members recruited. This incentive will be available to all recruiters until they earn the next bonus check or December 31, 2021, whichever comes first.
Upgraded club championship for every 10 new members. At present, there are no planned changes for this club recruitment incentive.
Only active ACBL members (up-to-date with their membership dues/fees) are eligible to be ACBL recruiters.
Full-time ACBL employees are not eligible for recruitment incentives.
Currently, monetary recruitment incentives can only be paid to individuals. We are exploring the possibility of extending incentives to clubs in the future.
Other members who are actively involved in recruiting may be approved, on a case-by-case basis, to be an ACBL recruiter (apply at recruiter@acbl.org).
Please note that ACBL is required to have a completed W-9 form on file (completed W-8BEN form for non-US residents), before we can pay the incentives. (these forms contain tax ID information, so we can report these payments to the Income Revenue Service). At present, recruitment incentives can only be paid to individuals. We are evaluating the possibility of paying out incentives directly to clubs.

College Coach Administration
Club/Team Roster
W9 Form
Promotional Materials
Recruitment fliers and posters
Flier for administration
Example Bridge Club Brochure
Course Descriptions & Syllabi
- University of Minnesota course description (Interdisciplinary)
- Oklahoma State University Course Description (Math)
- Calvin College Course Description
- Calvin College Beginning Bridge
- Austin College Course Schedule
- Austin College Syllabus
- Kansas University Honors Bridge Syllabus
- University of Wisconsin Whitewater course description and syllabus
- Central College course description and syllabus
Schools with Programs
School | Location |
Amherst College | Amherst MA |
Brown University | Providence RI |
Carnegie Mellon University | Pittsburgh PA |
Carleton College | Northfield MN |
Central College | Pella IA |
Columbia University | New York NY |
Cornell University | Ithaca NY |
Duke University | Durham NC |
Georgia Tech | Atlanta GA |
Georgetown | Washington DC |
Harvey Mudd | Claremont CA |
MIT | Cambridge MA |
New York University | New York NY |
Northwestern University | Evanston IL |
Princeton University | Princeton NJ |
Smith College | Northampton MA |
Trine University | Angola IN |
UC Berkeley | Berkeley CA |
UC Davis | Davis CA |
UC Santa Barbara | Santa Barbara CA |
University of Alberta | Edmonton AB |
University of Chicago | Chicago IL |
University of Colorado Boulder | Boulder CO |
University of Georgia | Athens GA |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Champaign IL |
University of Minnesota | Minneapolis MN |
University of Nevada Reno | Reno NV |
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill | Chapel Hill NC |
University of Virginia | Charlottesville VA |
University of Waterloo | Waterloo ON |
University of Wisconsin Madison | Madison WI |
Vanderbilt University | Nashville TN |
Washington University in St. Louis | St. Louis MO |
Yale University | New Haven CT |
Bidding in the 21st Century (Club Series)
This course focuses on introducing the student to the basic concepts of the game. There is an emphasis on modern bidding (opening bids, responses, rebids, overcalls, takeout doubles and stayman) but sufficient elements of play and defense are introduced to allow the students to start playing hands right away.
Bidding in the 21st Century Teacher Manual
The ACBL Bridge Series texts and teacher manuals have been updated to complement the Learn to Play Bridge I and II software programs. The texts and support materials, as well as the teacher manuals, are being sold by Baron Barclay Bridge Supply. However, ACBL has been given permission to post the teacher manuals at our website for free download. The lessons can be downloaded individually. Use the links below to access the new, updated teacher manual.
- Introduction
- Lesson 1 — Getting Started
- Lesson 2 — Objectives
- Lesson 3 — Responses to 1NT Opening Bids
- Lesson 4 — Responses to an Opening Bid of One in a Suit
- Lesson 5 — Rebids by Opener
- Lesson 6 — Rebids by Responder
- Lesson 7 — Overcalls and Advances
- Lesson 8 — Takeout Doubles and Advances
- Lesson 9 — The Stayman Convention (Bonus Chapter)
Bidding in the 21st Century – Errata
Updates to the Bidding in the 21st Century text. View
Updates for previous versions of Bidding in the 21st Century Teacher Manual. View
Play of the Hand in the 21st Century (The Diamond Series)
This series concentrates on the play of the hand (making a plan, promoting winners, finessing, trumping losers, etc.). The initial bidding concepts are reviewed and a few new concepts are introduced (Jacoby transfers and slam bidding).
Play of the Hand in the 21st Century Teacher Manual
The ACBL Bridge Series texts and teacher manuals have been updated to reflect modern bidding theory and to complement the Learn to Play Bridge I and II software programs. The texts and support materials, as well as the teacher manuals, are being sold by Baron Barclay Bridge Supply. However, the ACBL has been given permission to post the teacher manuals at our website for free download. The lessons can be downloaded individually. Use the links below to access the new, updated Play of the Hand in the 21st Century teacher manual:
- Contents
- Introduction
- Lesson 1 – Making a Plan
- Lesson 2 – Developing Tricks – Promotion and Length
- Lesson 3 – Developing Tricks – the Finesse
- Lesson 4 – Eliminating Losers – Trumping and Discarding
- Lesson 5 – Watching Out for Entries
- Lesson 6 – Watching Out for the Opponents
- Lesson 7 – Managing the Trump Suit
- Lesson 8 – Putting It All Together
- Lesson 9 – Jacoby Transfers
Defense (The Heart Series)
Now the attention turns to the defenders. This series contains more detailed discussions of opening leads against suit and notrump contracts, second and third hand play, and defensive signals. The bidding and play concepts from the earlier series are reviewed and a few new ideas are added.
Defense in the 21st Century Teacher Manual
The ACBL Bridge Series texts and teacher manuals have been updated to reflect modern bidding theory and to complement the Learn to Play Bridge I and II software programs. The texts and support materials, as well as the teacher manuals, are being sold by Baron Barclay Bridge Supply. However, ACBL has been given permission to post the teacher manuals at our web site for free download. The lessons can be downloaded individually. Use the links below to access the new, updated teacher manual.
- Introduction
- Lesson 1 – Opening Leads against Notrump Contracts
- Lesson 2 – Opening Leads against Suit Contracts
- Lesson 3 – Third-Hand Play
- Lesson 4 – Second-Hand Play
- Lesson 5 – Defensive Signals
- Lesson 6 – Developing Defensive Tricks
- Lesson 7 – Interfering with Declarer
- Lesson 8 – Making a Plan
- Lesson 9 – Negative Doubles (Bonus Chapter)
Commonly Used Conventions (The Spade Series)
Here the focus is on beginning (basic) conventions. The student learns about the Conventions most likely to be encountered in a duplicate game for newcomers. The student is introduced to duplicate strategy and the relationship of bids and plays. The course covers Stayman, Jacoby transfers, Jacoby 2NT, weak two-bids, and strong two ♣ openings.
Commonly Used Conventions in the 21st Century Teacher Manual
The ACBL Bridge Series texts and teacher manuals have been updated to reflect modern bidding theory and to complement the Learn to Play Bridge I and II software programs. The texts and support materials, as well as the teacher manuals, are being sold by Baron Barclay Bridge Supply. However, ACBL has been given permission to post the teacher manuals at our web site for free download. The lessons can be downloaded individually. Use the links below to access the new, updated teacher manual.
- Introduction
- Lesson 1 – The Stayman Convention
- Lesson 2 – Jacoby Transfers
- Lesson 3 – Major-Suit Openings and Responses – Part 1
- Lesson 4 – Major-Suit Openings and Responses – Part 2
- Lesson 5 – Minor-Suit Openings and Responses
- Lesson 6 – The Subsequent Auction
- Lesson 7 – Weak Two-Bids
- Lesson 8 – Strong 2 Club Opening
More Commonly Used Conventions (The Notrump Series)
This series continues to introduce students to some of the conventions they will encounter As they start to play in clubs and tournaments. The course covers negative doubles, the Unusual notrump, Michaels cue bids, slam bidding, leads and signals, and 2/1.
More Commonly Used Conventions in the 21st Century Teacher Manual
The ACBL Bridge Series texts and teacher manuals have been updated to reflect modern bidding theory and to complement the Learn to Play Bridge I and II software programs. The texts and support materials, as well as the teacher manuals, are being sold by Baron Barclay Bridge Supply. However, ACBL has been given permission to post the teacher manuals at our web site for free download. The lessons can be downloaded individually. Use the links below to access the new, updated teacher manual for this course.
The workshop also assists teachers in creating or repurposing online lessons.
The Online Teacher Certification Workshop was designed by the creator of ACBL’s Best Practices Workshop, it consists of four sessions spread over two days. Note that you must attend all four sessions. Participants have the opportunity to become Certified ACBL Online Teachers at optional sessions later the same week.
Qualifications: You must be able to navigate multiple windows, share screens, set up Zoom breakouts and polls, use SharkBridge’s Teaching Console and learn new apps. Note that proficiency must be demonstrated before participation in workshop. You can find helpful tips and tutorials in our Setting Up 4 Success page.
Teaching Engaging Online Lessons Workshop |
Dates | Time | Optional Certification | Fee |
January 4 | Multiple time slots between 4-6 eastern. Email will be sent with sign up information for the 10 minute slots. | Preassessment | |
January 5 | 4-6 eastern. If you take this class, you do not need to do the preassessment. | Online tools prep class | optional, $25 |
January 11 & 12 | 4-6 eastern. | Modules 1 and 2. Must attend all four modules to be eligible for certification. | |
January 18 & 19 | 4-6 eastern. | Modules 3 and 4. Must attend all four modules to be eligible for certification. | |
January 25, 26 & 27 | 4 to 5:30 p.m. Eastern | Certification sessions |
Thanks to a program from the Educational Foundation, TAP and Best Practices certified teachers can get a special deal on workshop fees. The foundation will pay a partial rebate for costs over $50. The rebate will be automatically refunded to your record of payment after the workshop. The amount charged over the first $50 will be reimbursed (maximum $75 repayment).
Teachers earning Best Practices Certification receive a special pin and certificate, and are entitled to place the BP Teacher logo on marketing literature as well as have access to special templates for ads, business cards, etc. In addition, they will be distinguished in ACBL’s teacher directory as a Best Practices Teacher.
ACBL Teacher Certification Program Overview
- Begin with taking the Basic Bridge Knowledge Test before participating in a Best Practices Teacher Workshop (minimum of 70% score required)
- Learn teaching techniques in a Best Practices Teacher Workshop
- Earn the Best Practices certification through passing a Proficiency Demonstration (participation in Workshop required)
Best Practices (BP) Teacher Workshop
This contemporary workshop is the centerpiece of ACBL’s new Teacher Certificate Program. It instructs participants on the Best Teaching Practices recommended and validated by over 400 bridge teachers in a recent survey. Training focuses on how, rather than what, to teach.
The Workshop is built around simulations used to engage participants in analyzing and practicing techniques as well as giving and receiving feedback while delivering bridge lessons. Participants may opt to demonstrate their Best Practices proficiency and earn certification as an ACBL Best Practices Teacher through successfully completing demonstrations conducted at the conclusion of the Workshop (additional $25 fee required).
Teachers earning Best Practices Certification receive a special pin and certificate, and are entitled to place the BP Teacher logo on marketing literature as well as have access to special templates for ads, business cards, etc. In addition, they will be distinguished in ACBL’s teacher directory as a Best Practices Teacher.
The Workshop may be held over two full days or three half days.
Participants must be at least 15 years old to take the workshop.
Thanks to a program from the Educational Foundation, TAP and Best Practices certified teachers can get a special deal on workshop fees. The foundation will pay a partial rebate for costs over $50. The rebate will be automatically refunded to your record of payment after the workshop. The amount charged over the first $50 will be reimbursed (maximum $75 repayment).
2021 Calendar |
Location | Type | Dates | Times | Contact | ||
Austin TX NABC | BP Teacher Workshop | November 26-29 | Friday 1-5 p.m., Saturday and Sunday 8 a.m.- noon; Proficiency demonstration slots will be scheduled Sunday afternoon and Monday. Registration opening Summer 2021. Workshop Fee: $125. Register here |
education@acbl.org |
Please contact education@acbl.org for more information.
The Better Bridge accreditation can be taken both live and online. Visit Better Bridge for more information.
This program instructs teachers in methods of administering and presenting LBIAD.
Teachers wishing to be accredited must complete the following two requirements:
- Serve as a Table Mentor at an LBIAD seminar led by Patty Tucker, and
- Attend a two-hour LBIAD Teacher Training event presented by Whirlwind Bridge.
Teacher Training will include information on organizing and marketing LBIAD as well as maximizing retention rates, writing effective grant requests and the presentation of the seminar. LBIAD Instructor Accreditation is offered at NABCs and other Whirlwind Bridge events.
Please contact Patty Tucker for more information, Patty@whirlwindbridge.com. Or visit the Whirlwind Bridge website
Easybridge! Presenters are trained through a mail-order course and a telephone follow-up test. Presenter manuals and mini-lessons are available for three levels of study.
Contact Marti Ronemus for more information, mronemus@comcast.net
Guidelines for teachers
Your School Bridge Lesson Program, from start to finish. Continue Reading or view as PDF.
Speaking with Schools
When speaking with schools, focus on the organization of the program first, before the benefits of learning bridge. Students will receive a free bound textbook, with a fun quiz at the end of each chapter. The teacher will receive a Teacher’s Manual that coincides directly with the textbook. EZ Deal Cards are organized deals to help reinforce the lessons in the textbook. All of these supplies and more are provided free of charge by the ACBL. By showing a well-organized and planned activity, schools will feel better about supporting the program.
ACBL has put together an infographic handout highlighting the lasting benefits of school bridge programs based on the Shaw Study. Use it to describe the program’s features and impact on students.
Recruiting Players
Once a school has agreed to let you offer bridge lessons, you need to recruit students. Ask the sponsoring teacher to appoint a student to work with you. If the student is enthusiastic about the bridge lessons, word of mouth will be the best advertisement for the bridge class.
Pass out fliers and put ads in the school newspaper to help increase awareness. Ready-made posters and fliers and other resources can be found in the Resources section below.
Check out the Cooperative Advertising Program for details on how the ACBL can help cover your costs.
Register Your Class and Order Supplies
Once you have a good idea about the number of students, you can request supplies by using the button under teaching programs. Choose between the ACBL Intro to Bridge Series 1 and 2, the ACBL Bridge Series or Patty Tucker’s Bridge is for Kids or Jump Start Youth Bridge.
Receive Supplies
Upon receipt of your order, you will be sent the following items:
- Teacher Manual: One for the teacher
- Textbook: One for each student
- Playing Cards: One for every table, or 4 students
- Drawstring backpack: One per student and per teacher as requested (K-12 only)
- Letters to Parents: One for copies (K-12 only)
- Student Applications: One per student
- Student Certificates: One per student
- End-of-Class Tournament Packet: One (K-12 only)
- Trophies: Four; two trophies for the N/S pair winner and two for the E/W pair winner (K-12 only)
Complete Consent and Release Forms
In order for the ACBL to accept pictures and/or stories from the class, a Consent and Release form must be completed for each student. Pictures and stories may appear on the ACBL website. These can be scanned or mailed with the final packet at the end of the class.

Use of Teacher Manual/Books
There is no requirement on the number of lessons that need to be completed in your class. Some classes move faster than others. These books are meant to act as a guide and to give a structure to one method of teaching bridge. Feel free to try different things if you think it would suit your class. We would be particularly interested in hearing about new approaches that are successful.
Complete Student Certificates

End-of-Class Tournament
The End-of-Class tournament is required to receive a stipend and results must be submitted with other stipend request documents. Stipends will not be considered without tournament results.
Teacher Stipend*
You can qualify for a stipend if you are not getting paid more than $150 by the school or other agency for your time. For every class of at least eight students who receive 16 or more hours of bridge instruction and play, you qualify for a $350 stipend. If multiple classes are held, each class will need a separate form listing dates, times and students of that particular class. You may receive a maximum of five (5) stipends per semester. A semester consists of the spring/summer and fall/winter.
To qualify for the stipend, the following must be complete:
- ACBL membership dues must be current
- Completed W9 on file with the ACBL, if teaching in the U.S
- Completed W-8BEN form if teaching in Canada
- Completed ACBL Teacher Stipend Request Form, signed by a school administrator
- Results from end-of-class tournament
- Paperwork must be submitted within 30 days of class completion
All stipend documentation can be scanned and emailed to education@acbl.org. Alternatively, the documentation can be faxed to, 662-253-3187 or mailed to:
Education Department
6575 Windchase Blvd
Horn Lake MS 38637
Stipend requests should be signed by the authorized school or facility administrator* and sent within 30 days of the completion of the class. Requests will not be processed prior to the end-of-class date. Upon receipt of all appropriate and complete documentation, a check will be sent to the home address of the teacher. Teachers must be ACBL members to receive the stipend.
*Teachers cannot sign stipend requests for other teachers in the program.
Guidelines for Teachers
The ACBL’s Lifelong Learning Program is designed to introduce the game of bridge to adults age 50 or older through continuing education programs offered through colleges or universities. Sponsored by the ACBL, this program includes teacher stipends, textbooks and other materials for your classes.Register Your Class and Order Supplies
Once you have a good idea about the number of students, you can request supplies by using the button under teaching programs.
Receive Supplies
Upon receipt of your email, you will be sent the following items:
- Teacher Manual: One) for the teacher
- TextBook: One for each student
- EZ Deal Cards: One for every table or every four students
Use of Teacher Manual/Books
There is no requirement on the number of lessons that need to be completed in your class. Some classes move faster than others. These books are meant to act as a guide and to give a structure to one method of teaching bridge. Feel free to try different timelines if you think it would suit your class. We would be particularly interested in hearing about new approaches that are successful.
You can qualify for a stipend if you are not getting paid more than $150 by the school or other agency for your time. For every class of at least eight students who receive 16 or more hours of bridge instruction and play, you qualify for a $350 stipend. If multiple classes are held, each class will need a separate form listing dates, times and students of that particular class. ACBL will pay up to five (5) stipends per college or university per semester with a maximum of 10 stipends per college or university program per calendar year.
To qualify for the stipend, the following must be complete:
- ACBL membership dues must be current.
- Completed W-9 form on file with the ACBL, if teaching in the U.S
- Completed W-8 BEN form if teaching in Canada
- Completed ACBL Teacher Stipend Request Form, signed by school administrator
- Paperwork must be submitted within 30 days of class completion
All stipend documentation can be scanned and emailed to education@acbl.org. Alternatively, the documentation can be faxed to, 662-253-3187 or mailed to:
Education Department
6575 Windchase Blvd
Horn Lake MS 38637
Stipend requests should be signed by the authorized school administrator and sent within 30 days of the completion of the class. Requests will not be processed prior to the end of class date. Upon receipt of all appropriate and complete documentation, a check will be sent to the home address of the teacher within a few weeks.
*Teachers must be ACBL members to receive the stipend.

- Atlanta Youth Conference
- English Students
- Sixth Grader Finds Niche
- It’s Not Just California Dreamin’
- Playing Bridge Helps Students
- Statistically Speaking
- Bridging Friendships
- Young Players get Hooked
- Bridge Tricks are for Kids
- Student Comments
- Infographic Handout
- Shaw Study
- Bridge para la Juventud (Spanish)
- School Infographic
It has an outline of what is to be covered in the lesson, plus a joke with a bridge tie-in and a snack recipe tested tried and true for the bridge club. A full set of these lessons is available from Marti Ronemus at mronemus@comcast.net.
Business Card Templates
Customize the business cards for a bridge-themed introduction to players. For digital marketing materials (web) download the png version. For print marketing materials (fliers, handouts and newspaper ads) download the jpeg version.
For the business card template, you only need to fill in the first card. The others will automatically be populated with your information. We recommend you use cardstock (65 lbs.) for printing the cards. If you print at home, be sure the print settings are set to actual size. You can also take the file to your local print shop.
Conventional Wisdom

- NEW 1 – Overview & Minors
- NEW 2 – Majors
- NEW 3 – Notrump
- NEW 4 – 2 Level
- NEW 5 – Other
- NEW 6 – Doubles
- NEW 7 – Overcalls
- NEW 8 – Cue Bids & Preempts
- NEW 9 – Slam Conventions
- NEW 10 – NT Overcalls
- NEW 11 – Defenses vs Notrump
- NEW 12 – vs Preempts
- NEW 13 – Carding
- NEW 14 – Leads
Commonly Used Conventions
In bridge parlance, any time you speak or pull a card from your bidding box, you are going to be making a call. Even in an informal game, your vocabulary is limited to fifteen words:
Pass Double Redouble One – Seven Club Diamond Heart Spade Notrump- Fourth Suit Forcing
- Blackwood
- Cappelletti (Part 1)
- Cappelletti (Part 2)
- Jacoby 2NT
- Jacoby Transfers
- Michaels
- Negative Doubles
- New Minor Forcing
- Overcalls (Part 1)
- Overcalls (Part 2)
- Puppet Stayman
- Responding to a Takeout Double
- Responsive Doubles
- Roman Key Card Blackwood
- Smolen
- Splinters
- Stayman
- Texas Transfers
- Unusual vs. Unusual
- Weak Two-bids (Part 1)
- Weak Two-bids (Part 2)
The ACBL Intro to Bridge Series I and II
Using a discovery-based learning approach in line with best practices for in-person classes, the ACBL Intro to Bridge Series consists of 2 class series designed to equip students with a simple, starting framework for bidding and play .
- Student Workbook
- Instructor Guide
- PowerPoint SLides
- Lesson Videos
- PBN Hand Files
Bridge is for Kids
A fifth-grade reading level beginning bridge text. Appropriate for new players who have never played before to walk them through the terminology, mechanics and basic bidding of bridge. Includes Stayman and Jacoby Transfers for those who are working with higher level classes. Teacher Manual available.
Jump Start Youth Bridge Package
The Jump Start Youth Bridge package is a workbook based tutorial designed for grades K thru 8. It includes
- Student Workbook
- Instructor Guide and
- A guided slide (PPT) presentation
- PBNs of all hands.
Designed to guide players who have never played cards through the mechanics, terminology, scoring, strategy, basic bidding and an introduction to the basic play techniques. Designed for 8 weeks of classes of 1-1/2 hours, it can easily be broken into shorter classes for a longer stretch of time.
The ACBL Bridge Series
Using a “hands-on” approach, the ACBL Bridge Series consists of a progression of five courses, each focusing on a different aspect of the game and bringing the students from absolute beginners through to the point where they can confidently play in any bridge game. Available Materials include
- Student textbook
- Teacher Manual
- EZ Deal cards
The ACBL Intro to Bridge Series I and II
Using a discovery-based learning approach in line with best practices for in-person classes, the ACBL Intro to Bridge Series consists of 2 class series designed to equip students with a simple, starting framework for bidding and play .
- Student Workbook
- Instructor Guide
- PowerPoint SLides
- Lesson Videos
- PBN Hand Files
The ACBL Bridge Series
Using a “hands-on” approach, the ACBL Bridge Series consists of a progression of five courses, each focusing on a different aspect of the game and bringing the students from absolute beginners through to the point where they can confidently play in any bridge game. Available Materials include
- Student textbook
- Teacher Manual
- EZ Deal cards
The ACBL Intro to Bridge Series I and II
Using a discovery-based learning approach in line with best practices for in-person classes, the ACBL Intro to Bridge Series consists of 2 class series designed to equip students with a simple, starting framework for bidding and play .
- Student Workbook
- Instructor Guide
- PowerPoint SLides
- Lesson Videos
- PBN Hand Files
The ACBL Bridge Series
Using a “hands-on” approach, the ACBL Bridge Series consists of a progression of five courses, each focusing on a different aspect of the game and bringing the students from absolute beginners through to the point where they can confidently play in any bridge game. Available Materials include
- Student textbook
- Teacher Manual
- EZ Deal cards